Easily the best debut game for any console.
You play as the Master Chief, a part of the "SPARTAN2" project, you are basically a killing machine, there's not too much we know of him, and that really builds to the depth of the game.
It's odd, although you won't think of it while you're playing, that you are playing a character that you don't know much about.
There is a race of aliens in this game, called the Covanent, and you will discover another race as you progress through the game.
You soon discover a ring world as you are on a human class space cruiser called "The Pillar of Autumn", the world is of course, called Halo, you soon land on the planet, finding out that the planet might be a weapon.
I won't spoil the rest for you. Everywhere on the internet, in forums, you'll more likely than not find people arguing and questioning the storyline...it's that good. People actually waste their time finding out the secret of the story...I've done it too, it's so interesting and there are such small parts that we don't know, it turns into utter chaos sometimes.
For me, the most important aspect of a game is the gameplay. Why? Because even if you had really bad graphics, but it was the most addictive, funnest game to PLAY... then it's good.
Halo's gameplay is astounding, no, legendary!
The great part of this game is that you have the freedom to kill whatever you're trying to kill, however you want to. You could hop in numerous human/alien vehicles, or chuck a grenade, or the good `ol "run `n gun", or melee attack.
There are many vehicles with very simple controls, its very fun driving right into Elites or other aliens.
Overall Halo is a great game and is reason enough to buy an Xbox...BUY IT!