Close..but no Cigar
Gameplay is spot on and the conversion is fathfull and goes beyound
the original.
I find it better than the Xbox Version but thats because I can use a
mouse/trackball which is nice.
Multi player is vastly superior to Xbox but that was a "No Brainer".
The only main gripe I have is this.......
Thou good graphic'ly it struggles on a Geforce3 and 4 on a 1 GigHz Machine.
I play on a XP2600 and Geforce3 and its still not "smooth" on THAT machine.
With hardware of this mag'nitue and the availbility of good 3D engine
code and coders theres no excuse.
Its not that bad but with a other wise faultless product it shows up
like a sore thumb.
So in the end.........................
Great Gameplay let down by need for a powerful PC.