this is not only the legendary game every one has been talking about, its one of the best games out there.

User Rating: 9.2 | Halo: Combat Evolved PC
Halo has always been praised as a legendary jump in first person shooters and i can tell you it is. not anymore really, it came out years ago, but it is still one of the best games around. First off are graphics. like i said, it is an old game, so apart from some cool special effects and blood, the game really has okay graphics. characters are kinda blocky, facial movements unrealistic, hands are just squares w/ texture etc.... but! halos colorful atmosphere and its substituting red blood on aliens for orange, purple, and bright blue make it a welcome change from the blood splattered halls of other FPS games. Sound is well done, you get the feeling you are in the middle of it all with great weaponry sounds, and the voice acting is good, and some of the master chiefs gritty/funny comments make for some good moments. my problem was that the "grunt" enemys had high pitched voices that got REALLY irritating after a while. Gameplay. weaponry is well done, you have some truly kick-@$$ guns such as the 60 round assault rifle, the big shotgun which can rip a squad of enemys apart in a few shots, and the armor piercing pistol. the enemys are well done too, each having strengths and weaknesses, and can sometimes not just be mowed down by machine guns. some enemys require flanking or smart placing of shots. vehicles are well implemented into the game as well. my only gameplay complaint was that 1 or 2 levels got REALLY repetitive at a certain point in time Multiplayer is some of the best multiplayer you will ever find in a game. this is almost as fun as counter strike if you find a good server! multiplayer makes you laugh, can get you angry, but really just delivers some great moments. finally, value. 20 bucks. can't beat that. overall, dispite some faults, halo is the legendary game its cracked up to be. this will suck you in for hours, and keep you glued to multiplayer long after you finish. 9.2 out of 10 nice job bungie