User Rating: 9 | Halo: Combat Evolved PC
I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!Its multiplayer is great,that is what is so good about this game!The single player was is great to,exllent story,great voice acting,and alot of replay value!. But the graphics are a little problem,yeah the water afects are great,theres a big huge world around you.Who cares about that crap?,the frame rate slows down alot just like perfect dark,goldeny 007 and turok. I for got to ask you that I wanted this for the XBOX but 180$!You gota be kiding me. Well about thi game,when ever I play it the computer restarts because of my video card,radeon9000 preaty old. Its multi player is really fun because of slayer and team slayer or ctp and people our kind to you,help you and thank you for the suport. I love this game and master chief is the best, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!