I think this game rules. I have played it with multiple friends and it was a blast. This game is perfect for parties(assuming you have the xbox version) and the story is excellent. The AI kinda sucks, but it is still a lot of fun to flank jackals and grunts, but elites are a little too hard to flank without suppressing fire. Hunters might be some of the hardest enemies in the game. They are covered in armor and there only weak spot is their backs. The weapons are some of the coolest I have seen yet. The needler that shoots explosive needles that can bounce off walls and the plasma weaponry which shoots plasma are both extremely cool concepts that I haven't ever seen before.
So, it’s come to this… a rainy Saturday where I suddenly decide to wear off my reviewing slump and come back with a bang. And the game I’ve decided to review, is, obviously, the PC version of Halo, which you probably alr... Read Full Review
The original Xbox game released by Bungie, has been ported by Gearbox Software, developers of Brothers in Arms, a popular World War 2 shooter. Microsoft Game Studios helped out in the effort, but is this game really wort... Read Full Review