I have never played a better shooter in my life. I got my Xbox just for this one game...and it was worth it, trust me. You can find it today for $10, and if you're one of the lifeless morons who hasn't played this yet, then go pick it up now. This game has the best story ever I believe. It seriously makes you feel like you're trying to save the human race. The weapons are great, vehicles are magnificent, and characters are extremely fun. This game started a franchise, gave the Xbox its launch start, and has completely changed the gaming world. The multiplayer part is just as fun as the campaign too. The only downside on the multiplayer is the lack of Xbox Live. However, Halo 2 does have it, but Halo 2 sucks...
Simply put, Halo is the greatest game ever created by man. Everything about it is perfect. Graphics are top notch and better than anything I have played to date. The sound is awsome. The game is full of ambient sound... Read Full Review
Well, well, well. Here I am, reviewing yet another game while wondering what has become of my life. And the game is Halo: Combat Evolved, without a doubt the overall favourite Xbox game of all time. And, yes, it's a laun... Read Full Review