For it's day Halo was a great FPS however now it screams dated...
Halo puts you into the role of "Master chief" which is a pretty unimaginative name to say the least. You'll have a little tutorial type thing and then isntantly put into the action on a spaceship which you'll escape and land onto the halo planet. It's a really great intro but the level just seems sooo generic and pre generate like some pattern you'd see. For example it looks like they've just pasted the same corridor over and over again until you get to the objective. It's a shame because you'll get alot of this in Halo and alot of things just seem pre generated and not much effort gone into them.
The animations of the game aswel seem really poor, specially on the weapon reloads which look very jerky. Speaking of weapons aswel they didn't impress me and nothing stood out but what was kool is you culd pickup the enemy weapons and use them aswel. The best part of the game was the driving levels which at that day was still quite new but it has been done before on some PC games. However today they scream below average and arn't all that great anymore, sort of like a gimmick for the time. However there are some lovely looking levels like when you go underground to the covenant homes which are epic and look nice but quite empty.
The graphics and look of the game are really bland and generic which i'm not fond of because if you look at the game it doesn't have a artistic style and you wouldn't know it was Halo if you never played it.. Also the sounds are very generic too and don't really stand out, nothing here was memorable and the weapon sounds were poor.
The game is again like every FPS these days between 6 - 10 hours. There is a multiplayer but it's not very good and quite below average compared to many games these days and even back then too.
So i don't have alot to say about Halo other than for its day it was a great FPS but it's strange how badly it's aged compared to other games like Half-Life which is even older. Still it offers a satisfying experience for the £5 it costs now and your chance to play what many consider to be one of the best FPS ever made, mainly fromt he xbox crowd however. It just feels very generic which really just makes me score it down because it has no soul or personality....