this game kicks halo 2 ass any day
User Rating: 10 | Halo (Xbox Collection) XBOX
i would have to say that this game is in the lead of all the other first person shooters. it is the clasic on the xbox. i only knew one person who dosent own halo who has an xbox. well there are a couple more, but you know what i mean. i would recommend this game for any one who ownes an xbox. espically if that person is asking what is better, halo or halo 2. i say halo combat evolver kills halo 2 any day. even though halo dosent have the online play. but even with out that, halo combat evolved still had a better story line, and also more fair multiplayer weapons and better maps. halo combat evolved also have better cooperative mode. any one who lives in this country should try halo, even people who are out of this country should play it. i know a kid from japan who never played an xbox in his life, he knew of it but actually never played it. the first game he played was halo, and i would have to say that he liked it. all those other games that say, "the halo of ps2," or "the halo of gamecube". or even those games that have the nurve to say " the next halo of xbox's future." well you know what, you can all shove it. halo is the origional, and nothing can beat an origional for that console.