A near perfect FPS and a must own.

User Rating: 9.7 | Halo (Xbox Collection) XBOX
Halo is probably on of the best games ever made on any console. I dont know why, the only real difference between this and any other FPS is that your shield recharges, which adds a lot of strategy to the insane gun battles. Part of what makes the game so great is the nearly endless action that goes on level after level. There are only 4 different types of enemies but you never get bored of them because the AI is so good that even though they usually go through the same tactics it feels like a different battle every time. A lot should be said about the graphics which is another strong point in this game the level of detail and is appearent from the moment you start playing when yuo land on the acutal halo the water effects are amazing, and the texture mapping is top-notch. The controls are very responsive on their default modes but are tweakable. This game offers 4 different vehicles which offer a lot to the game play by introducing more possibilities in strategies, the only thing I dont like about the vehicles is that you can only take the role of the driver so you can not use the turrets that the warthog has or ride shot gun on the tank to snipe out your enemies. Another complaint is the level design, nearly every level is made up of getting to the end of a structure, and getting back to the front of the structure which gets more noticeable and annoying as the game goes on, that and the nearly all the rooms look the same in the middle of the third act of the story. The story line is well developed, which is odd for a FPS and adds a lot to the immersion, from the beginning you feel defeated and you always feel like you're up against impossible odds, and getting through the odds offers a great sense of accomplishment.
Long story short. Awesmse graphics, awesome story, awesome sound design, but not so awesome level design. Get it!