A port worth checking out.
I really liked the story to Halo, and really got into it about the first week I started it. The action sequences are amazing, both intriguing and original. How cool is it to throw a plasma grenade at a Flood beaste and have it helplessly running around with it stuck to it's back? The game offers a variety of weapons at your disposal, some I've labeled as the funnest I've ever used in a game. Enemy AI is smart enough, dodging and moving for cover, while at the same time laying waste to anything in it's path. Though some of the later levels get repetetive, it was still packed with enough variety to keep me hitched. In the end I was actually very disappointed that it was over, one of the few issues being length. But that doesn't dismiss the fact that it holds fantastic gameplay value for anyone who's a shooter fan.
On the hardware side, this game looked pretty damn good on a computer. Environments are nicely detailed and developed, adding an exotic and alien feeling to Halo. The audio and soundtrack also push the game along nicely, especially the theme song I've become addicted to. This was a big suprise on the hardware side of things, and I'm glad I picked it up.
So when it comes down to it, if you've played this already then there's nothing really new. On the other hand, if you haven't played this then by all means go to your nearest gaming story and do it up. You'll be blown away at the value of this game, although I'm a little skeptical on the price tag it's been carrying for quite sometime. Nonetheless, check this one out or you'll be sorry.