Such a good game that even the trial is a good game!
You play as Spartan 117 more commonly known as Master Chief. You are the last surviving superhuman and are sent on a mission - to protect the AI Construct called Cortana. This develops into much much more. The Flood is released! For those people who haven't played yet, i wont ruin the surprise...whether it be good or bad...
Though many people who have played other games say that halo's multiplayer system sucks it doesn't. It is better on XBox but still the options are countless. Teamplay / Free for All, Slayer, Oddball, CTF, Race and King gameplay styles that you can change to create incredibly hard, annoying, fun and impossible to win games.
Difficulty: Complete ease - impossibility
Fun: Incredibly frustrating - incredible buckets full
Playability: Almost Limitless
Satisfaction: Incredible
Difficulty: Depends on who your playing with
Fun: Depends on who your playing with
Playability: Depends on who your playing with
Satisfaction: Completely Kick A**
Overall: This game is close to perfect for a firstplayer action game I recommend it to anyone...slight warning...turn decals off if your queasy