Though it has some Flaws, Halo is just pure fun.

User Rating: 9.5 | Halo: Combat Evolved PC
Halo for the pc.
WOW! This game is amazing! But let's break it down first.

Graphics- Alright back when this game came out they were pretty good but compared to today's standards like crysis they aren't great but there sufficing. Back when the game came out I'd give it about a 8 but now a days it's about a 5 ½.

Sound- The sound is awesome! I rely on it some much, when your in intense battles and you need to hear the enemy's foot steps to stay alive. Wow it just great! I give it a 9 maybe 10.

Game play- It's Halo the game play is awesome.

Bottom line Halo is a great game. The only thing that really sucks is that even on a high end computer like the review said, the frame rate starts to lack when you're in big battles. The other thing is that in the campaign it seems that you're doing the same thing over and over and it feels really recycled at times. Even though the review says that the multiplayer sucks, it doesn't. The multiplayer is the reason this game rocks. The reason that the multiplayer is so good is because there is this free version of Halo's multiplayer that everyone can get so there are a lot more players online all the time. Rather then those flaws, this game is incredible and if you don't have vista or the Xbox 360 this multiplayer is definitely for you or you can just get the multiplayer for free from Robert Nye I believe.