The less said about the single player the better but the multiplayer is fantastic
Multiplayer is where it is at and presents an amazingly fun experience.
Difficulty is massively variable so you should be able to find a setting to suit you.
Graphics - 6
Massively reused areas and VERY bland level design together with bland a enviroment means it gets a very low score. The reason it has managed to keep the score from being totally a joke is at the time it came out the particle, shader and texures where all great.
Sound - 8
This is about the only thing I dont have an arguement with, the sound is good.
Value - 7
Again singleplayer is a joke but multiplayer is great same 5 single vs 9 multi = 7 overall
Tilt - 8
Single player is basically worthless but the multiplayer saves it and makes it really fun. If you want a good multiplayer shooter this is a good game for it. If you want a good single player experience expect to be disapointed and frustrated at the repetitive level design.