Simply an amazing game. Reccomended to anyone.
the ship has crash landed on an alien ring known as halo and the master chief and freindly marines must and unlock the secret of halo before the covenant. The story is one of the most dynamic and interesting that I have heard so far and the game is very much story driven. In additon to the story, there are multiple vehicles and weapons in your arsenal for you to use as you combat the covenant and halos "other" enemies. The gamesplay is the standard run and gun action that so many shooters have used time and time again, in addition to vehicle combat such as driving tanks, warthogs (the nickname for a jeep with a machine gun mounted on it), and other alien vehicles on both the air and ground. The sound of the game is superb with each weapon having a diffrent burst and sound, radios crackling, your A.I. in your head making comments, and basic dialoge are all seamless.
The graphics are not top notch but do get the job done, so don't expect much by todays standards. The difficullty is just right however sometimes, you may begin trial and error phases in the middle of the game where it gets much more challenging. In conclusion,
Halo combat evolved is a game that is well worth the cost today (about 10 dollars) it is a game that has overall good balance and a superb presentation, highly reccomended, a revolutionary game and the true killer app of the xbox.