Not in a long time has a FPS been as influential as Halo. One of the first launch games for the Xbox, Halo was the game that brought the system's success. You play a super cybernetic space marine in the future in humanity's struggle against the coalition of aliens known as the Covenant on a mysterious artifact called Halo. This game is superbly crafted with a story that is very well told. All of the gameplay mechanics were well thought. With the weapon you have in your hand, you can smack the enemy and usually stun them just so you can pump them full of lead. You have different choices of guns whether they be human or alien and are very well balanced against each other in firing rate, damage, reload times, and ammunition; grenades are an essential part and you would only ignore them if you are not on a hard enough difficulty. Speaking of difficulty, there are settings from the absolutely brutal Legendary to the easy, uh, Easy. Combat flow is well thought out in each area except for the vehicle segments which take a bit of walking through if you don't drive around. Yet the vehicles possibly feel like the most polished aspect of combat and are fun to drive around with your marine buddies. The allies at your side are intelligent and sometimes you feel as though you are helping them and not the other way around. Halo's enemies are diverse and feel as though you need different strategies for each one. Yet with all of this, you backtrack a bit throughout the story even though the designers managed to make it feel different. Halo's graphics are superb looking, and you should not miss out on this great adventure.
Simply put, Halo is the greatest game ever created by man. Everything about it is perfect. Graphics are top notch and better than anything I have played to date. The sound is awsome. The game is full of ambient sound... Read Full Review
Well, well, well. Here I am, reviewing yet another game while wondering what has become of my life. And the game is Halo: Combat Evolved, without a doubt the overall favourite Xbox game of all time. And, yes, it's a laun... Read Full Review