great multiplayer and campagine. the weapons and vehicles were awsome and the enimies the amazing!
and vehicles but the ones they included were cool. the enimies:elites,grunts,hunters,jackles,flood,and sentinals
the alies were cool land could have had more armor and better weapons.
they should have made it so that you can switch out weapons with the marines instead of having to wait untill they die. the multiplayer maps were cool some were like mazes and some were small. they easter eggs are fun to find and the grenades were cool too. the prefered grenade would most likely be plasma because it sticks to you and blows up on them.the ghost was a fast vehicle to drive around and the warthog was more lose to controll. the best part about halo combat evolved would be the campagine because it has long levels and objectives you get to preform.most people say that halo combat evolved is better than halo2 and 3. but i wont say that much. the one feasture that you should like about the others is the ragdoll effect that bungie was kind enough to put in. if you have ever noticed if you melee a elite and you look at its face its alll messed up.
it took me about 2 hours and 30 muinets to beat halo.the best level i would say would be the last level because you get to hurry and escape the ship before it explodes. over all a great xbox game!