Not as great as i thought it would be, I explain inside. It brings you somewhat nicely into halo 2. READ THIS AND BE WAR
chorus that is awesome. but then i realize something, the earth side of the halo has somewhat crappy graphics, oh no. I go inside the game and the graphics reek they use the same pattern for textures like grass so it looks like carpet! And the people look the same they tried to make them blink, so suddenly and slowly a flesh coloured sheild goes over they're eyes, (which are the kind that are panted on to the face so they look un-3D) Then they tried reflection on Master Chiefs visor, it's just a bunch of pixels that look really bad in close ups same with the mouths they look like they're chwing pieces of gum and they're out of sync with what they're saying. But for halo 2, really i guess you don't need it. you could just ask a buddy or something. Multiplayer isn't as great as it once was, because only a few people play it now, and usually they're just bomb fests now you get spawned killed all the time, if you want good multiplayer Call of Duty or Call of Duty 2. It's fun but $30 is just too much for this game, save it. Agian, Multiplayer gets boring really fast you will love it, then hate it , then love it, then hate it reeeeaaaallly bad. Textures like cliffs and were snow meets rock wall are just a jagged line no blending, grass is the same print over and over agian. It just gets boring in campaign because the graphics reek so you get bored fast. Save your money to make someone else happy, I have warned you, this game should go away with return to castle wolfenstien. really.