This game is sheer genius. Now don't ask me how Bungie can make an amazing game like Halo.... and then make a horrible sequel (i.e. Halo 2). This game is the beginning of the series know as Halo. At the time, these graphics were amazing, the play was awesome, heck the only thing missing was online. Recently rereleased on the Xbox 360 as an "original", the game had been out of commission till now. This game had stunning visual effects, complex characters and a great plot. If you ever want to just go back and play an awesome game, pick this one up. You play as the Master Chief, this game is his introduction, and you are set to protect earth and destroy the ring, or Halo's. You have an A.I. with you name Cortana, and you pretty much just go and kick some alien butt. If you wanna play a fun game, buy it, it's back-compat, and it's on the 360 marketplace.
Simply put, Halo is the greatest game ever created by man. Everything about it is perfect. Graphics are top notch and better than anything I have played to date. The sound is awsome. The game is full of ambient sound... Read Full Review
Well, well, well. Here I am, reviewing yet another game while wondering what has become of my life. And the game is Halo: Combat Evolved, without a doubt the overall favourite Xbox game of all time. And, yes, it's a laun... Read Full Review