Remember that really good game you played ten years ago? Yea, it's still really really good.
Hours were spent sitting with my brother around a small 18 inch TV, killing flood for hours in the library with an annoying robot flying around humming the whole time.
Anyway, novelty aside, this game is still amazing.
Most of the Halo controls i remember are back (X button to reload) and all of the AI is the same as it was back in the day.
Technically, this is the old Halo. Hitting the back button at anytime during the game will black out the screen for a few seconds, and switch back to the 2001 game graphics. Resolution, textures, and models all load flawlessly. This was honestly what impressed me the most about the package.
Cause hitting back again brings it right back to the new prosthetic.
All the cutscenes have been redone as well, and will show if you have it in the new graphic settings.
There are many "Terminals" that have been added in random places, showing more of the back story. I'm not a huge Halo fan, but even I was very intrigued by them. They are very well done. Specifically the Commander Keyes one on the second to last level.
Skulls have also been added, if you're into those. I actually found the bandanna skull to be particularly useful/entertaining. (Infinite ammo.) Mostly when you have a shotgun and there's a ton of flood.
I played the original when I was about 15. I'm 22 now, and this game seriously still amazes me.