In this game you are a space marine. Trying to stop the evil aliens from getting the ultimate weapon, so they can’t destroy the world. Where have I seen that theme “aliens destroying the world?” Men in black, Independence Day, and oh let me see alien. All of you fools are swept away by to much hype and flashing lights. Al though this game isn’t totally bad it doesn’t live up to the hype it has created for its self. Who ever thinks the same or different please e-mail me and let me know why at Or at
Simply put, Halo is the greatest game ever created by man. Everything about it is perfect. Graphics are top notch and better than anything I have played to date. The sound is awsome. The game is full of ambient sound... Read Full Review
Well, well, well. Here I am, reviewing yet another game while wondering what has become of my life. And the game is Halo: Combat Evolved, without a doubt the overall favourite Xbox game of all time. And, yes, it's a laun... Read Full Review