Halo Annivesary makes a return and with awesome all new visuals!

User Rating: 10 | Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary X360
They kept the same feel of the game with the awesome back button that switches between classic and remastered visuals. and also there is remastered and classic soundtrack, a price of 39.99$ for a game like this with the all new visuals and a halo reach multiplayer is more than worth buying.

The Pros: The gameplay in this game is fantastic with the awesome new visuals and you can now play the co-operative (online) now, and it didn't feel like "dated" experience and the covenant are awesome, the weapons are fantastic and one of my favorites is the needler gun.

the cons: there are no cons about this game.

And there are some new additions in this game like: (skulls, kinect feature (i didn't really got into it but its kinda gimmick) And last for not least, the Terminals)

All in All: this is best remake i have ever seen, and i highly recommend that played halo before buying this awesome remake and its really worth the wait.