"This is one of the greater XBox games, both as a 1 player FPS and multi-player."
Gameplay: 10/10
This plays the way you would expect from a FPS, complete with excellent enemies, level design and multi-player modes. Altough at times the enemy AI may seem to be a bit underworked, it doesnt at all seem like it would make it any harder then if it was a bit better.
Graphics: 10/10
Very good graphics. A few little hiccups, but still as good as it can get, but Microsoft has always had a strong point with graphics.
Sound: 7/10
Lacking, but not sucky. It's hard to say much about it though, its just well worked enough to hold up with everything else.
Overall: 9.2/10
Much better then the sequel, Halo 2, and probably better then Halo 3. But lets just wait until its release...