If you are a loner then dont get it
User Rating: 6 | Halo (Xbox Collection) XBOX
I dont need to comment on any of the good features of halo so lets just skip right to the bad. The levels repeat, a lot, without arrows on the ground you would wonder if you were going the right way. There is no "flow" to the levels, i was trying to do an assault on a ship but it was really just, kill everybody in an area then move on to the next area, again there was not much thought put into level design. the weapons are unbalanced, the tank is unbalanced, why use regular grenades?, you cant drive the warthog enough, the enemys can hide well but suck at attacking. listen when people are telling you about halo, 9 out of 10 times they are talking about multiplayer, whitch is great, but if you dont visit sombody often enough to beat it only on co-op then dont get it, the campaign ia annoying. there you have it