The best Halo game ever...but does that make it great?
Now, I'm not an online player, so I'm sure that's part of it, as many Halo fanatics love the online component. But I judge Halo solely on it's single player campaign.
Certainly, the graphics and presentation in Halo:Reach surpasses anything the other titles offered. Environments are beautiful, the sounds of battle are hectic, and the camera angles used in cut scenes are fantastic. The menu system is extremely well thought out and makes it easy to access everthing. In these catagories, Halo:Reach is a top notch, triple A title.
But the same problems I have with other Halo titles are still present in Halo:Reach. I'll never understand the thrill of fighting the same handful of enemy types throughout the entire game. The lack of variety in enemy type in the Halo series is stunning, yet noone complains. I also find the Covenent sort of boring. They aren't scary and they seem cartoonish. Kind of hard to keep fighting an enemy that isn't interesting.
But my biggest complaint about Halo:Reach is it is simply one battle after another after another after another, with no real story to speak of . The story is the war with the covenent. That's it. No real plot twist, no real suspense.
But again, I'm not an online Halo fan, so I don't enjoy that part of the Halo experience. And certainly, Halo:Reach is a very good game, and the best in the Halo series. However, Reach just reaffirms my belief that Halo is perhaps the most overrated series of alltime. Just my humble opinion.