Halo: Reach is by far the best Halo to date, Bungie has officially redeemed itself
Gameplay: Although similar to halo 3, Halo: Reach offers much more than any of it's three predecessors. The new guns offer for many new tactical kills, and the assassinations give a new twist to halo. Leaps and bounds above ODST, Reach is definatly one of the best games I have played in 2010. Also, one of the most significant changes in this game: Forge World. Forge world is like nothing I've ever seen in a game before, hours upon hours of possibilities ranging from the simplest of bases to the fastest of races. Who would have known forge would blow up this much, Bungie pulled out all the stops to make one of the best options for a video game. I couldn't think of anything to add gameplay wise, it's hard for me too even fathom what's wrong with this game at this point. As said earlier, it's similar to all the other halo's, but brings just enough of a change to make this game a 10 for sure. Firefight has also improved greatly, it's very challenging and has had me entranced for many an hour. The maps have much more cover in my opinion, and the enemies actually get harder as opposed to ODST, which did not feel like enough for me. The new maps have given me spirit, and I always want to try again in firefight, no matter how many times I've lost. It's good to know that each time I play it I get closer to beating another five rounds to beat the wave. I even think that Firefight sometimes beats out horde, I just seemed to get more immersed during Firefight.
Story: By far the best story I've ever seen, and the campaign gives Mass Effect 2 and Red Dead Redemption a run for it's money even. The campaign is an epic story of your fight to attempt to destroy the covenant, I have been waiting years to see how the spartans fell on Reach, and now Bungie releases it to the public with shining colors. I love the fact that you feel like an actual character, I enjoyed being Master Chief in Halo's 1-3, but it just can't compare to your character in noble team. Each level is immersive and very different from each other, each offers a new set of vehicles as well as weaponry, and each enemy feels different too me, which in my opinion has not been done in any other Halo. It's challenging enough because Bungie changed it up, and this is why the story flourishes. Each level adds everything that is desired, and I find myself wanting to re play the campaign on every single difficulty. I actually enjoy getting each achievement in this game, it doesn't feel like a chore like some other games. Best story of any video game I've played, I couldn't be happier with the outcome of the prequel to one of the best shooters ever.
Multiplayer: The online in Halo: Reach doesn't disappoint again! There are many new styles of play, such as SWAT and many new types of slayer. The DMR and the Needle Rifle are some of the most skilled guns I've ever used, and I have played many a round where I end up with these guns, I just never get sick of seeing that Head shot icon on the bottom left corner of the screen while using either of these awesome guns. Many of the games that I used to dislike somewhat, including assault and territories are almost brand new in this game. I love the classes idea, I know it's some what copied from Call of Duty, but each class is just brilliant. From sprinting into someone to get a close quarters kill, to jet packing into the air and firing down on unsuspecting victims, the new powers offer so many new ways to kill. Who knew that a hologram could throw someone off so well? or that invulnerability could help you or a team mate in multiple ways that are oh so satisfying. Not only did they add powers, but some of the guns that were weak in the other Halo's are back and better than ever! Both Plasma pistol and Pistol are now back to being excellent choices for weaponry, and the grenade launcher is a great combatant to the Rocket Launcher for best explosives. The Grenades aren't nooby anymore either! Getting your friends into a game is also much easier, I very much like that they show exactly what your friends are doing now. The new maps for multiplayer have ceased to amuse me, they each offer new ways to take cover and flank the enemy, and I find myself learning something new every day. This is one of the first video games I've played in a long time that I feel I won't ever grow bored of, and I hope to possibly see some map packs (which I'm almost sure the new and improved Bungie will present us with).
Graphics: 10
Story: 9.5
Game play: 10
Multiplayer: 9
Bottom Line: 10