This game is a excellent, amazing and spectacular game.

User Rating: 10 | Halo: Reach X360
The visuals are much improved since the third it definitely stands as the next gen Halo game, Bungie really impressed me with the much improved graphics, it just looked amazing. all detail's to the environment was just amazing to look at when I took the time to take in all the art work it was just spectacular.

The audio in this installment of the series is great, except for some of the voice acting some of the voice actors were great and some just did not feel the part and because of that it made it hard for me to feel for the other spartan's put thats just me, the musical score was amazing like always great work in that department of the audio, and all the S/FX around the game was great as well.

The game-play for the single player campaign was good but no duel wielding of weapons, which is what I really like from the whole halo series, I was a little disappointed in the story, like the first half of the game was a little boring, then the second half was a little bit more exciting, and it is a little bit shorter then most of it's counter parts I wasn't expecting too much from a prequel to the franchise, and the AI is in my mind alot more smarter then it ever in this one, except for your fellow sparten's where the sniper one can't it a can if it was right in front of him, and the girl spartan is just plain useless, they were all basically useless. But the game really shines in the multiplayer their is a lot of things to do in the multiplayer, including all the usual goodies, and some some brand new ones like the new and improved firefight were you can either play with friends or jump in and out of random match's, this is lots of fun.

My overall take on this game is this is a must have and play game and you have to give it a try this game is amazing, go out and get this one. great work bungie.