Halo:AGAIN they shud have called it.

User Rating: 7 | Halo: Reach X360
This is writen by someone who hates online play.
Basically as i say halo:AGAIN not odst, nothing new, different or wow exciting at all. if you have never played halo go and buy the previous back catalog second hand. you will have 3 times the gameplay duration and no difference apart from graphics. and the old ones wernt to shaby so you will still enjoy them. the graphics in this are average for the xbox 360 platfoorm i would say. After that if u need to no more on a very basic story line, happy shopping go and buy this. Thats my point its fun but all these 9+ are all fan boys. the presentation isnt that good. for example the voice acting. if a character is running whilst underfire in full armour they would not be taliking like there sat down having tea!? things like that. its just not polished and for that alone theres no way it can score a 9. il not a fps obsessed player but cod: modern warfare is WAY ahead in every department unless u like chessy bad guys and the telly tubbys. the biggest loser to me is the level lay out. the maps are clearly designed for online death match/teamplay lots of no sensical cover/layout and the solo campagn suffers. also ther is some times no direction to the next job marker, and you cant hear the voice telling you to do because the back ground noise is to loud (iv tryed messing with sound settings to no avail it subtitles i afriad) so you wonder round these maps looking for the door what was added after they thought it up. The guns are almost identical apart from apearance and its plays with the dreaded just run side ways and shoot fps sindrome. so as a solo player game it avarage.