Entertaining, fun and flawed. It certaining is another Halo game, just with a few tweaks.

User Rating: 8 | Halo: Reach X360
Reach is the final instalment by Bungie to the Halo series. The campaign is set during a period of time before the adventures of Master Chief. You play as Nova 6 the mysterious member of Noble team, an entire squad of Spartan soldiers, each team member have their own individual back story which is slowly revealed during the campaign. Reach feels more like Halo: ODST than Halo 3 due to the game involving you playing with a squad member in each mission, the disappointing thing is that the friendly AI can be diabolical especially when fighting side-by-side with marines. You would think that soldiers with no shields and pathetic armour would shoot from cover rather than running around in the open and getting blasted to pieces by plasma rounds. The enemy AI isn't much better, at some points they will stand in the distance and you can fire at them but they won't even flinch, they will stand there and let you gun them down, at least they do a better job than the friendly AI.

The campaign gameplay is like any other Halo game, you shoot, move on, shoot some more, drive through a vehicle section and then repeat. Luckily there are a few individual missions that split up the repetitive combat, such as flying a helicopter or a spaceship. The campaign is sadly quite short and does get dull with the repetitive combat and Reach has decided to hold itself up using the multiplayer.
The multiplayer in Halo reach is quite an experience. It can be fun but also it can be terribly frustrating. There are many players in the multiplayer who have come from playing all the previous games and have a lot of experience in getting headshots from the other side of the map. There is very little strategy involved in the multiplayer. In team matches you will be lucky to have a full team who are trying to complete the objectives as you will almost get at least one pratt doing constant loop-dee-loops in a Banshee.

Halo has lots of minor flaws and a few useless or pointless ideas but all together it is the best Halo game released to date but that doesn't mean it deserves to get a high rating especially as the game can be exceeding dull. At times you sometimes get the feeling Bungie want to create more than just another Halo game but Microsoft tugged on their leash and pulled them back into line. A good example of this is the equipment with perks like sprinting or the jet-pack, but to my knowledge Spartan's are meant to be super soldiers so why can't they sprint with any of the equipment, I felt like Bungie wanted to let you sprint with any kit you have equipped but Microsoft wanted the game to stay the same. I also can't understand why you sound like your having an asthma attack when sprinting which isn't exactly sneaky or super-soldier like.

Halo: Reach is an entertaining game with everything that has made the Halo series what it is today. At this point if you wanted to get Reach you would already own it or be saving up for it and if you aren't too keen on the Halo series then this game won't appeal to you especially as in the end this is just another Halo game, just with a few interesting tweaks which have improved the multiplayer and has an interesting journey in the single player, even though everyone knows the ending.