Only Storyline review. Multiplayer review will be added later after Ive had more time to play it.

User Rating: 8.5 | Halo: Reach X360
So lets begin saying that this is only a storyline review. I've played all the halo games except Halo ODST so I'm very aware of how the gameplay and storyline works in the world of halo.

I got this game not really knowing what to expect to be honest. I wasn't to sure if they could still make a good Halo game after Halo 3. I had not watched a single trailer for Halo Reach other than the E3 trailer. The story is a prequel of course to the first Halo. This is when they're more than one Spartan in the world. You are in a squad of Spartans and they call you six. I can't really say much about the story without giving spoilers a way so I'll just say its a prequal and that you are in a squad of Spartans on a planet named Reach. You are searching the planet to find what the Covanate are after. The story in my opinion was very bland and corny. It seemed to be the worse in the series telling the story. I pretty much guessed what would happen next.

It's a Halo game made from Bungi so if you're expecting great gameplay, then you are right. The gameplay is once again top notch. They gave oldschool Halo players flashbacks with the scoped pistols, no dual weilding, and health packs. They also added new features like the perk system where you can have jetpacks, shield yourself, turn invisible, etc, etc. They have old guns returning as well as some new ones. Most of the new guns seemed a little dull(Other than the Needle Rifle) to me but all in all, overall they were good. They made tweeks to a few guns like the battlerifle, Focus Rifle, and the Sniper Rifle. The Battle Rifle is now single shot, the Focus Rifle is now like a long range sentinal beam, and the Sniper Rifle is less acurate when firing to quick. The enemies are outstanding with great AI. The brutes in the game seems much weaker in Halo Reach due to they have no armor. The Elites are more powerful than ever (Either that or because I played on Legendary Difficulty), and the grunts are weak as usual but do a lot of damage with charged plasma pistol shots. Jackals are quick and annoying wile the hunters are beasts wherever they are. The buggers are weak but a lot of them at once can make things difficult. Vehicle gameplay was great as usual as Bungie always finds a way to get vehicle levels in as well as just run and gun. They also give you the option to play more stealthy and sneak around if you would like. In my personal experiences though I found my own teams AI to be a little poor. The game became a little annoying at times due to the difficulty and with no help. So if you don't have a partner, legendary difficulty can be annoying at times.

Once again it's a Halo game by Bungie so no surprises, the graphics are just average. The surroundings, horizon, and the world itself is absolutely stunning though as you feel like you are in a different world. Not to many games can achieve the feeling that you will get in a Halo game.

Overall it's a good solid game but not original or self defining. It'll be interesting what Bungie decides to do next with Activision but it is definitely time for the Halo franshise to come to an end.
