Halo Reach Is A Great Game,Visual Design Looks amazing

User Rating: 9 | Halo: Reach X360
as you all know the main story of halo series has been the same,and it all follows the same routine.as for halo reach it again takes place in the same way as other halos before this one.
well if we may start with visuals in halo reach it looks alot better than the Halos before reach,and there is this kind of a noisy effect that follows you all the way till the end of the game that we didnt see before.the weapons are more or less the same as the ones before no real change on that subject,at least they could have introduced some mainly different weapons,yeah we all like the original weapon but come on,i have seen those weapons since the first halo.as for the abilities offered in this one,is the ability to change your characters armor and helmets,but you need points to do so,you can for example change the helmet itself to something different or change your character's voice and so on,there are alot of changes you can bring to your character but as i said you need alot of points to actually be able to see the changes on the main character because it costs a lot of points for major upgrades on your character.
one thing that i have to mention about halo games is that you can not take cover behind walls,they have not given that ability after 4 halo games,and also the pointer to the gun is just the same old one,nothing new in it,and again after 4 releases of the game you cannot aim greatly like for example Modern Warfare 2,you only have the gun pointer and when you shoot repeatedly it just goes all over the place,they should have fixed this one long time ago.
about the checkpoints i have no idea how or when it gives you checkpoints but it seems to me it is completely random,and sometimes while playing in the legendary mode,you are not given checkpoint at some certain places so then it takes you all the way back when you lose.
another feature they offered in this one was the night vision view,which didnt seem to be useful at all,why did they bring this feature to the table?
since the game takes place in future,i think they made the building structures and also the indoors perfectly and gives you the feeling that you are are might actually be there.the textures applied to each level specially the indoors are just great,perfect lights are always around and there is this special and original building structure made perfectly.the sound effects and the voices are good but,some of the voices that your partner has keeps repeating and they are bad,not good voice acting by some characters,i think one of them was KAT.
the game doesnt just happen in the FPS genre that we know to bring variety the give you other machines in different levels.i am not gonna mention what they are but it involves flying.
another concern i have is with the enemies you kill,they arent so different maybe altogether 4 or 5 types of enemies that come at you from the beginning of the game till the end,and that is bad i think,they could have created more than those 5 enemy characters.the worse is that most of them arent even new,they are from halo series.They could have improved that.
another thing bothering me is the story,there isnt really a great unique story,it just copies other halos and nothing new in my opinion.the story really could have been much better,but that halo for you,it doesnt really deliver a story but makes you want to play other halo just to see what they have done.
i really enjoyed playing halo reach,and the main thing i enjoyed about it was the great visual designs the original structure and indoors,and like always the feeling of being with that noble team.
thanks for reading -M3ran-