Halo Reach is finally here

User Rating: 9 | Halo: Reach X360
I've never been a huge Halo fan.I bought Halo 3 and my feelings about it were mixed.I didn't hate it I just thought that the campaign was kind of repetitive and if it wasn't for the multiplayer the whole game would be screwed.I would play it once in a while with my friends or online by myself but I never became a hardcore fan.I never built anything in forge or messed around in the custom games.Now Halo Reach is here and I decided to give it a try.
The story is a prequel to Halo : Combat evolved and shows the desperate struggle of humans to save Reach.A long time Halo fan will know the ending and for someone how is first to the series the game doesn't do any effort to hide it.Every one seems to be aware of their future and they are not really surprised when the Covenant shows up.The story is focused on a small command unit were everyone seems to be in a competition of who will have the most dramatic death.You play the newest member of the unit and while the rest are not afraid to tell you their life story you go by the whole game without more than a grunt.Your teammates are not that interesting and they seem to be pulled right out of a stereotypes catalog.Its like watching a documentary from a perspective of someone who's been through the war and Halo fans will appreciate it but it didn't really move me in any way.
The campaign didn't have much variety in Halo 3 and it hasn't changed that much in Halo Reach.It's mostly foot combat with the same enemies all the time.Having said that there is space combat but it comes and goes really fast and then its back to foot combat.Nothing that exciting happens for the most part but it wasn't that boring at least.Enemies feel satisfying to kill and when the grunts run away form you in fear that gives you a strange feeling of power and satisfaction.
The design is were Halo Reach shines with updated versions of old modes and a new one:Firefight. Firefight has been in Halo 3 ODST but I only rented it and in the time I had it I didn't play much of it because it had no matchmaking.Also with the updates they made in Halo Reach it feels brand new and it fits right into place.Forge has been improved form Halo 3 and I made a couple of maps with much ease.Tricks that you used in Halo 3 to put things through the ground or make them float are now standard tools and the whole thing is much easier and fun.But most people are more interested in the competitive multiplayer .For good or bad many things remain unchanged and I have spent some nights playing with my friends and I have to say it was really fun.New game modes like Headhunter and Invasion are really fun and the new toys Bungie has put in the game really make the experience much more enjoyable.
I Like Halo because its the only shouter out there that doesn't have cover based combat and aim down the sight aiming.Trying to take cover in Halo Reach isn't always a good idea and few weapon zoom in.The biggest new change form other Halo games for me is that your reticule doesn't stay the still when you fire.Form now on your reticule will expand the more you fire,so when someone is far away form you spamming on the the fire button is not a good idea but when they are in melee distance fire away.Also armor abilities have been thrown into the mix like sprint or drop shield which is Halo Reachs bubble shield.I like what they did here because I never really used the equipment in Halo 3.New weapons aren't absent of course like the needler rifle the plasma launcher and the DMR oh wait! *cough*Battle Rifle *cough*.
The presentation is solid.Graphics have noticeably improved form last games but nothing ground breaking.The voice acting is good but nothing that will draw you in and the music score is one of the best I've heard in a video game that fits in perfectly in every situation.
Despite of all the bad things I've said about Halo Reach I'm giving it a good score because there is really nothing else like it and because it's just flat out fun.I suggest you buy it even if you are a Halo fan or not because you are going to enjoy it but if you are going in only for the campaign I suggest you rent it.

Thanks for reading.