Halo Reach... a masterpiece.
Armour abilities are radical. Honestly you have Armour Lock (Seven seconds of invincibility at the cost of movement) and drop shield (Bubble shield + Regenerator) or Jet Packs which allow you to flot overtop of foes, or my favourite Hologram which creates a flickering hologram that mimes your movement, allowing you to check open areas for snipers.
It comes with three gameplay modes: Story, Versus, and Firefight
Versus allows you to play online or ony our console with up to four players.
Firefight is two player per console and forces you to work with a team of up to four spartans, however versus firefight pits two Elites (Fighting alongside increasingly diffucult waves of covenant) and two Spartans trying to survive.
Then you have Story mode, which is where the main events unravel.
Reach introduces a variety of new guns, and remakes the look of each exsisting one. It adds a new covenant Revant which is a ghost and wraith combined. And the Falcon which replaces the Hornet, it has two gunner seats for passengers and one cockpit for the driver. Reach overall makes the halo gameplay more balanced.
Forge is huge... it is literally a huge modding tool allowing you to make your own maps, you can shift and set pieces and make huge maps full of frantic frenzy. I can't tell you anymore because I could rant on about forge for hours on end.
The graphics are the best I have ever seen, the sounds make me duck when I hear a bomb placed, the details are unlike anything out there.
Reach is, to date one of, if not THE best Xbox game ever. If you own an Xbox get Reach, if you don't... buy an Xbox then get Reach.
- Justin