Awesome Game Few minor glitches but still BUY IT

User Rating: 9.5 | Halo: Reach X360
Halo Reach is one of the bast games i have ever played. Its just plain Awesome but there is a few glitches the Prevent it from Being perfect an example of a glitch is that i hate playing with people that are a way higher rank than me so i put skill on in the custom settings and i get way higher ranks then me and i'm only a captain grade one and also sometimes when i'm assassinating somebody and they don't die from it. Forge is amazing but i just wish that you could place the civilian cars so people aren't always driving an SUV with a giant rocket on the back but still forge has smoother controls and Phased makes it so much easier to make things. Custom games is the same but not every map can be played with every game mode so that sucks but still the same as Halo 3. Campain is amazing you can play over and over again but it get sad but campain is still the best and connects all the halos together (spoilers Ahead at the cut scene after Lone Wolf look in the back and there is a ship, any body beat Halo 3 on Legendary?) Halo Reach is one of the best games and everybody with a TV, X-box 360, and X-box Live should BUY IT NOW!!!!!!!!