What a game.(Not a fanboy).

User Rating: 9.5 | Halo: Reach X360
First off i'd like to say I didn't give it 9.5 because I am a Halo fanboy, because im not. This game is the first proper Halo game i've played.

Halo : Reach is a game that has great bonuses and few flaws.

Campaign : Campaign is brilliant - easy to follow the story line. For the difficulty, Normal is very easy and obviously when you put it on herioc or legendary, its alot harder.

Graphics : Graphics are pretty much the same :L

Customization : This is one of the best features in my opinion. In this game you customize your player and use the guy for the campaign which I though was pretty cool. As you rank up in matchmaking you unlock more stuff which brings me on to multiplayer

Multiplayer : Multiplayer in this game is excellent. Alot of different game types including new game modes such as Invasion. Ranking system well done, long time to get to highest rank so you won't get bored!

Achievements : People do care about achievements so I decided to put it in.
Quite a few easy achievements some can be difficult - but doable. If you finish the game on normal - your looking at 400-500 GS - I have 420 atm and im not even done the game yet so it shows you can get a good amound of Gs

Overall: This game fills the needs of it's fans so I suggest you pick up a copy and see for yourselves.

I hope this review helps you to make up your mind. If it does send me a message. Thanks.