Probably the best halo game ever!(if halo 3 had these new stuff it would be way better than this)
ok Call of duty use to copy stuff from halo series now its time for bungie to payback!
they have got some good things from the cod series like knifing,Perks(Not as senseless as iw's) Runing,Stealth,Jetpack .....
the story is kinda cool!
the Graphics are awesome!
i would buy this game even if there wasnt anything new except knifing!
the knifing is really cool and doesn't boost like cod(Thankfully)
the flying sequences really are Fantastic !
its something you would like to see more in the next installments!
the firefight is back!
oh by the way forgot to tell there are some new weapons that are amazing!
dont wanna spoil the fun!
Great game , even the most idiotic person on earth will understand that this is way better than cod7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
cant wait for the next installment