A new Story and New people.....See what happens as you play through this amazing game.

User Rating: 10 | Halo: Reach X360
Ok lets get started on the game with the normal basics of it.The graphics and details on the game are so good.They really put in alot of effort in making some good characters and soilders.It just advanced from halo 3 to this.In so many ways the campaign has an awesome story.Of a team called Noble Team and there is 6 of them.It is the story before Halo:Combat Evolved.The ending and Start are amazing on thier own.Even if you dont like the online multiplayer the campaign will keep you playing.The game and the online multiplayer is so fun.They are adding some things to it.Recently they added Snipers,Infection,and team swat to their own play lists so all those people who want to play one game type it will be there.They are already annoucing a add on to the game.Its more maps and stuff.It will be released in November I believe and it looks pretty cool.For all the people out there who liked the forge in Halo 3.The Forge in halo Reach is so much better.They made the money max alot higher so you can take your maps so much further.They added two modes to make the stuff your creating easier to make.They put "fixed mode".Where its like Halo 3 but if you let the object go in the air it will stay there.Then There is "Normal".That is halo 3 forge.Where you need to stack stuff and make them float.But there is my absolute favorite."Phased" it will let you let go of stuff in the air and leave it there and it will let you automatically merge objects together.Instead of having to start new rounds and do all that extra stuff that got really annoying.In Halo 3 they introduced character customization.It was awesome in Halo 3 and now all the stuff you can do is so awesome.There are tons of things.There is Helmets,Wrists,Visor Color,Shoulders,Knees,Utility,Armor Effects.The main thing about armor though is the armor effects.If you purchased the Legendary edition like me you got a code to make your helmets on fire.Like bungie employees did on Halo 3.Then there is Grunt Birthday Party.When ever you die with a head shot.The Confetti comes out and the screams of kids happen.Then you got the Hearts.When you take damage little flying hearts appear and it looks kind of cool.But the two body armor effects are Pestilence and thunder.The pestilence is like green gas with bugs flying all over your body and it last for ever.The thunder one is a cloud and lots of thunder bolts going off all over your body it looks really cool.To me this game deserves a PERFECT 10 its really good and I recomend it to every one thanks for reading =]