Basically, a revised version of Halo 3 multiplayer, with an exiting new campaign...The usual product of every new Halo

User Rating: 9.5 | Halo: Reach X360
Halo: Reach is the newest and oldest halo, in the sense that the story line take place before our former hero came along, Master Chief. You play as part of an elite spartan force known as Noble 6, 6 meaning 6 group members. throughout the story, your group and yourself work as a team, with the usual covenant fighting against you (no flood in this game), and even though they do kill some of the enemies, their ability to follow and do what is needed of them, like to drive a warthog down 1 damn road, sometimes gets them overexcited and they decide to run straight into enemy lines, or as what happened quite frequently with me, off a bloody cliff plummeting to my death. When it comes down to the creation of your own personalized spartan, Reach seemed to have gone all out on this feature this time. From knee guards, to helmets, to making your spartan a spartana(female), it offers it all, and gives you a chance to really show off your creation skills online to other players, but with a price. Halo points, or credits, are awarded to winning games, and completly daily/weekly challenges online or in campaign, it is then used for equipment to customize your spartan, a little long to get a lot of credits, but worth it inn the end when u have a sick personalized spartan you basically bought from your skill.

Multiplayer is the usual Halo multiplayer, it has it ups and downs but having the power weapons in hand means instant death due to their over powerness. The Maps on Reach, like previous Halos, are based upon mission maps are u progress in the campaign, and all seem like great maps except one where people can spawn snipe you over and over again consecutively, the map known as Hemmorage(a remake to the famous Valhalla in Halo 3). New additions have been added to matchmaking since Halo 3, such as multiple infection game types, and the new ability to fight spartans against elites in a new game type called invasion, and the typical slayer. Perks are also a new feature to Reach, and the reason i did say great feature is because flat out, THEY ARE FREAKING ANNOYING! especially one called amour lock, which gives the player the ability to defend himself from anything, if you get stuck, use armor lock and the plasma grenade will wipe off your armor like it wasnt there. Other perks, such as sprint, jet pack, drop shield, and evade(dive roll), are pretty self explanatory and get the job done in the field without too much annoyance.

Reach has new weapons, and thank Jesus himself for this, but the original pistol with 2x zoom has come back, and is a standard secondary for every fellow spartan. every gun is fun to use, each with its own cool ability and strength/weakness on the field. The A.I in campaign on easy and normal even, couldn't been more innocent and useless, and your team in campaign couldn't be less ignorant, but regardless of all that, Reach has a campaign like every other halo where you just want to keep playing it over and over again because its flat out fun and exiting. The controls are solid are totally user friendly to even a new timer halo player, and the perks seem well developed(except that stupid armor lock).

Halo brings its usual and completely awesome soundtrack back to its new edition Halo Reach. Guns sound cool, and reloading and even overheating make the game sound so realistic even for a Halo. With the audio, now comes graphics, and they are better then ever. Gore and blood are a little more elaborate this time around, and when your are holding a gun in first person in an intense battle, and you see a rocket coming at you, you move your head in real life thinking its real(ive caught myself doing this several times).

Halo comes out every 2 years more or less, me personally, am not going to play this constantly, online can get quite repetitive and boring after 15 games of each game type, which surprisingly, isn't many hours to complete. Multiplayer is relatively fun regardless of repetitiveness, but the over use of armor lock against someone will make you want to leave a game, remove Halo Reach, and put in Call of Duty. Audio or graphics will defiantly not be a complaint in any particular part of halo Reach, it sounds and looks too genuine to be criticized negatively. story is fun with cool twists, and what i find to be an awesome ending to the game, leaving you with an 'Ohhh, i get the whole dame thing now' and will make you wana cry tears of joy. Now, if your an avid first person shooter, armor lock will not be a problem for you to stress to much about, so i would definantly buy the game, worth the 60 or so bucks, if you liked previous Halos, but have halo 3, i would advise renting Halo for a week, because multiplayer is no golden dollar in a sea of bronze, just a bunch of smarties in a pack of M&Ms.

Gameplay(campaign)- 9.0
Gameplay(Multiplayer)- 8.0
Audio- 9.5
Graphics- 9.0