perfect game but i don't know why i don't like it!
huge maps - huge wars - massive online - nice characters & .....
but pasting is very low!
i like games like call of duty ! games like that is very very action & fast!
halo needs a change! look many month a goes (:d) crysis2 is coming! it shows super graphic on a platform with hardware of 5-6 years old!!!!
but halo just have super lighting & sometimes perfect effects!
A.I is no so good!
enemy just attack & never get cover!
and friends a.i is very bad!
their just run! & dead! many times i changed a difficult to very hard but it's don't change:|
i like noble six & i like ending of game:)
game play is very huge A every time you want to play a level like level 1 you can change your strategy!
i love you halo & good bye .....