Excellent but slightly disapointing...
Reach is slick and a bit grittier than the earlier Halo games but still very much part of the series. I enjoyed it but it never really grabbed me like the original did, can't really put my finger on why. One thing that's always left me a bit cold is the weapons; they just don't feel as visceral as they do in something like Killzone or the COD series etc.
I liked the addition of a slightly more coherant story and the cut scenes were handled well.
Maybe I was expecting more, I don't know...
- Graphics are sharp and well designed but despite having played it on both an LCD and a plasma tv I found a few movement glitches to be really annoying!
- Sound was suitably epic and very typically "Halo"
- Never been a big Halo Multi-player fan to be honest so won't comment.