It's just not fun, for the most part

User Rating: 6.5 | Halo: Reach X360
Halo: Reach is Bungie's final Halo title, and they do a good job of giving us their swan song, but a few things are just so uninteresting that it cripples the overall experience. Let me start with thre good points. Forge mode, introduced in Halo 3 makes a return, and it is every bit better than it's predecessor. Your building options are nearly triple what they were in Halo3, adding more pieces, a bigger budget, cheaper build costs, and a few new maps to build on. The best map is Forge World, a massive map with several areas that cater to whatever your ideas may be. Two are most notable. The gulch can be used for some serious team slayer, CTF, or territories games, and the pillar, which, as a special default, is the Ascention map from Halo 2.
The game also has a strong multiplayer community, though in this day-and-age, most legitimate players are hard to locate in the endless sea of poor playing gamers. All the classic modes from Halo 3 are here, plus a few new ones, like Stockpile, Headhunter, and a revamped version of Grifball. Character customization is very in depth, allowing the player to customize a large amount of aspects. Now, for the bad points. The campaign isn't very good, it's short, and you can easily skip through several parts of the story and miss nothing. Theater mode allows only one person at a time, making it impossible for people to show friends their accomplishments. Overall, I can only recommend this to long time Halo fans, but anyone else should look elsewhere for another game similar to this. (Like Gears Of War)