The prequel to the Halo that was introduced in the Xbox sometime in 2000, is probaly worth a buy. Go Bungie!
multiplayer. And Recon helmets. Reach is exactly what I have been
praying for, a game that dosnt revolve around your time playing like
Call of duty titles that stil jab me in the eye with frustration as I play
diffrent FPS titles, like this. Reach is story is about the fall of the
planet Reach and the tale of a squad of Spartens dubbed Noble
team. Reach; like the book, is the headquarters of the Oni, and the
Sparten program, Spartens being the elite of the elite in
this FPS. You play as the new Noble Six, a Sparten who is
not fresh off the choping block, and looking for a new squad after his
recent squads masacare leaving him the only survivor. You meet
the team and is sent after a beacon to a distant farming
town just out of the city Alexandria to signs of Insurrectionsts
or rebels. The Noble Team are sent out and ask the locals, and
after staying around the area, they are attacked by the
Covenant, a heavy relgious group of aliens pissed off at humans
for destorying their holy relics. Now to the gameplay, it runs
very smoothly. Aiming dosnt require the touch of a button
besides zoom for weapons with it, and it is great relief for those
suffering of the disease of not being able to stand FPS that dont
require manual aiming down the sights. Being a Spartan
doesn't mean that your invincible, meaning that you have shields,
and a health bar before you bite the dust. The campaign has its
fair amount of moments causing some memorable scenes,
and better yet it has a fair amount of challenges. The graphics
are detalied, Sparten armor is rugged looking, every thing
is natural and has its own of color filled things, smooth look of
a Covenant vehicle, to a rugged looking assault rifle. The game
features a healthy amount of fire power, causing you to wonder
which combanations best. Mostly I preferred a D.M.R, the battle
rifle equal that shoots semi, and the Assault rifle, which helps in
a firefight. Speaking of Firefight the mode introduced in Halo Odst
is back, and better than ever. You face against a horde of
Covenant foes, shredding them to bits with all the will in your
ammo counter to defeat them. Their is weapon drops here and
there to help you, some med kits, a new improvement making you
not as great if you cant patch up from a recent encounter. The rush
of combat is great, but the Multiplayer is possibly the greatest or
close to that I have played. I love the multiplayer from Team Slayer,
Swat, and Big Team Slayer. Living dead I didnt list because,
sorry friends but is a mess. You start out with being a complete
ninny with a shotgun and handgun, and you must fend off infected
spartens with energy swords that have no sheilds and move fast.
If you so happend to be a infected, you sir are target practice for
a camping loser who plays this so he can rank up the unorignal
way and then brag about his Recon Helmet, and his other
armor that he buys. Buys? What?! Yes their is a ingame currency
that is used for ranking for getting a certain amount, and for buying
new armor in later ranks. I am now a Recon decked, fully pimped
sparten, and I'm not even half way close to being the final rank.
It is a great feeling when you get to a new, hard as heck rank to
get to like Lt.Colonel. It gives braggging rights. This game is totally
worth a buy, and skeptic FPS gamers will enjoy this as much
as me.