Halo: Reach Is Endless Fun
User Rating: 9.5 | Halo: Reach X360
I've had more fun in campaign modes, and I've preferred older online ranking systems when compared to this one's, but never has one game been able to keep me hooked for such a long period of time. The game was released about 2 years ago, yet the fun never ends. The new weapons, Reach's new engine, and enhanced playlists were only reason enough for 10 hours of my time spent in multiplayer matchmaking. The next over 90 hours derive from challenging tasks, endless armor customization, and a long ladder of ranks that makes you feel like you cannot stop until you've reached inheritor. When you're not looking for something so serious, you have Action Sack to turn to, Grifball which is now always available to play, and many great maps and game types created and shared by the Halo community. There are so many ways to enjoy yourself for hours, days, and years with this game which makes it an all-time favorite.