Pretty much everything you would want from a Halo game.

User Rating: 9.5 | Halo: Reach X360
Halo Reach brought back hope to the Halo Franchise at least for me in my Opinion.Because Halo 3 made me hate the entire Halo Franchise,it was unbalanced less than half the weapons were ineffective overall Halo 3 was no fun.But Halo Reach really brought back what I loved about the Halo Franchise if not more.So basically Halo Reach fixed all the issues I had with Halo 3.
The Campaign which and be played Co-op offline and online was quite enjoyable.Great level design meets & gameplay meets Great Storyline.The game takes place before the events of Halo:Combat Evolved so this title is a prequel.The levels are beautiful which may give you an urge to pause your progression in a mission just to explore.Bungie did a great job of implementing the events before the first Halo which cause you to be immersed in the gameplay of the Campaign,and actually interested in watching all the cut-scenes thoroughly.Amazing visuals Halo Reach actually looks like an Xbox360 game.The visuals are on the borderline of being photo-realistic & animated which are so good they can actually be considered in the same league as Crysis.The was Audio was also well executed.
Great customization,the feature of forge which allows you to alter multiplayer maps to your liking from Halo3 is new improved.Character model customization is the best in the series by far.The character model you use in multiplayer is the same one you use in the single player,a plethora of armor choices you can mix a match.
The Multiplayer is just plain superb,Halo reach's mutiplayer tops the Multiplayer of all its predecessors.Brings back the fun factor that was non-existent in Halo 3 but present in Halo:Combat Evolved & Halo 2 then multiplies it two.Also its very well balanced,the weapons work how they are expected meaning they're effective,new and improved rank system.As well as the armor abilities nothing is really underpowered or overpowered.The game is fair so all the BS that existed in Halo 3's multiplayer is non-existent,meaning if you get killed or lose a match 9 times out of 10 it was your fault.There are plenty of game types to play Slayer,Team Slayer,Capture the flag,Firefight which is improved,KingOfTheHill,Assualt,Infection and many more.You can play this game for countless hours just by switching up what game modes you play.Playing the game (particularly online) is a mixture of having fun and wanting a challenge.
Overall Halo Reach is a great game you definitely shouldn't sleep on a must play especially if you love the Halo series as well as First-Person-Shooters.