It's well worth noting that while this may be an adaption from Windows 8 to Xbox One (not a port, same OS essentially! :D), it's been reworked and remade properly. It features a quirky if short co-op mini campaign that's a little underwhelming but offers -some- co opping enjoyment. Level design ranges from basic and boring to full blown epic, a real mixed bag there. Weapon, character and art design are all top notch and really nicely represent the Halo original theme/style.
Well worth the asking price, visuals are excellent for an 'arcade' class smaller budget spin-off game, really gorgeous in 1080p/60fps. Will give you around 6-10hrs of fun in a straight shot, but there's room for replayability to beat those scores, earn more XP, and grab some rediculous weapons!
Not the best Halo has to offer though so, shouldn't be judged as a representation of the Franchise whatsoever :)