Gaming heaven

User Rating: 10 | Halo: Triple Pack XBOX
Halo Combat Evolved. Halo 2. Halo Muliplayer Map pack. These 2 1/2 games are the sole reason many of us own an xbox and the reason why microsoft has done so well in the console wars.
Halo is a revolutionary game that truly transcended the genre of Console shooters. It led the way for other xbox shooters. Before Halo, It was thought that the only place for an FPS was on the pC, but with halo this was proved wrong.
Geniusly using both analog sticks for movement and accuracy, halo had the controls that a First person console shooter was meant to have.
The only problem with this pack is....Who is gonna buy it? I mean all of us own the halo games anyways! The only people who willl buy this are new Xbox owners, which there also wont be many cause 360 just came out.