Halo Triple Pack is flat out amazing Halo, Halo2 and Halo 2 map pack all in one...thats all i need to say.
In this pack you get Halo which is the FPS that set the bar for FPS’s to follow. This is a great game; you have an amazing single player, sweet coop but know online. Even though there is no online the single player and coop make this a fantastic game.
You also get the Famous Halo 2 which is the sequel to Halo, that’s all I need to say. The game features all the modes in the original Halo plus new weapons, sweet duel wielding, harder legendary, and online. The online feature alone is a reason to get this; it is one of the best online games around right now.
Last but not least you get the Map Pack. The Map Pack comes with 9 more maps to add to Halo 2 to own your friends and rivals on. Not only do you get nine new maps but you also get the new update where they took out some glitches and made some things stronger (such as melee, grenades, and the SMG).
All three of these combined make for the best game pack ever made in history. Do I need to say any more… if you don’t have these and you have a Xbox go out and buy this right now.