This is the perfect combonation of games!

User Rating: 10 | Halo: Triple Pack XBOX
This is the perfect combination of games. It has Halo, Halo 2, plus the Multi-map Pack. This was great for me because I lost my Halo 2 game and I did not have the multi-map pack. And it was only $60 for all three games, that's how much it cost for a special edition Halo 2 when it fist came out, so why not get two extras games for free. So because of this pack I have 2 Halos, one halo2, and a multi-map pack. I just hope they make a new one with Halo, Halo2, and Halo3. And I hope Halo 3 is as good as the rest or better and gets it's own box: Halo 3, new multi-map, and an upgrade disk. So over all this is the best game pack ever because it combinestwo perfect games and upgrades one.