A wonderful pack at a low price, possibly Bungies best idea since Marathon
User Rating: 9.4 | Halo: Triple Pack XBOX
Bungie did a wonderful job with Halo back in 2001. The managed to successfully follow up the story with Halo 2, making 125 Million in a single day! Then they delivered the knock-out punch with the Halo 2: Multi-Player Map Pack. All this rolled into one marks one of the greatest compilations to date. Possible Bungie's best idea since Marathon! No fan of FPS should pass this game up. The price was also very convienient as well. Only $50.00 at the store I bought it from. Bungie soon may be as popular as the company that brought us Half-Life, VALVe. Don't Wait Second Longer! Go to your nearest Gamestop and pick this sucker up!