Ensemble Studios sure left with a BANG!!!
the fact that it was made by ensemble further raised the bar but halo wars didn't disappoint!!
a brilliant game but with a few minor letdowns...
The story was well set but it was a bit short.. but the ending is very exciting..it keeps you on the edge of your seat and helps understand the story behind the original trilogy better(that was the whole purpose of halo wars!!)
The campaign is Very short compared to other games in the rts genre but the halo experience in the rts world makes up for it..
The gameplay is simple but at the same time challenging as you have to balance out the needs of your army and economy..( money and troops)
every mission will start out slow with collecting funds but then it speeds up once you have got a decent amount..
the graphics in this game are a whole new level compared to other games like battle for middle earth 2 on the 360.. its set a new standard for future rts games on the 360 just like halo 3 did for shooters...
The sound effects r very nicely done and its matches up to the halo music expectations!! another classic music score!
its not a very difficult game.
on normal it proves a good challenge but once ur up n going with ur Spartans. ur almost unstoppable..
One thing i really liked about the game was that it takes the spotlight off any one character,,,
The spartans are like angles sent down to help you in tough missions n man o man do they HELP!! i loved using my spartans...
Some people also criticized the 30-40 population cap.. but in my opinion its just right. it makes u think a little before senselessly building troops. eg.a scarab takes up 20 population!! so u need to build ur army around it!! to complement it rather than just send it to battle with wtvr the hell u have..
its a game with a specific target audience so it wont be too popular with rts fans but should score big for halo fans
but definitely one my favorite strategy games(im a die hard halo fan!! :p )
a solid 9/10
Simple Controls
Good Gameplay
Amazing graphics and Sound
SPARTANS!!!! man they are fun to have around!!
Short Campaign
Not Much Strategy involved(campaign, skirmish is always challenging against other players)
Fairly Easy