A strategy game? Well, not much of a strategy game to me. It's not delivering what any RTS fan would look
I found out that it wasn't made by Bungie but Ensemble studios.
The campaign is very easy infact and it didn't take very long to get more than half of the achievements unlocked.
I'd also like to point that this game doesn't take that much strategy to win.
All you have to do is make strong units, vehicles or aircrafts to blow up stuff and kill your enemies. This sounds as if I'm trying to tell you something crazy but seriously, it doesn't deliver much strategy at all. Any RTS fan wouldn't be impressed, but I do like it, mainly because of the skirmish or online play even if it doesn't deliver much strategy and I think that anyone that likes destroying or training or blowing up stuff would have a fun time as have I.
So lets get this straight. The covenant are the aliens species that you must defeat.
Here is the list:
Elite shangelii
Brute Grunt ungoy
Hunter Legeko
Enemies can also be found in the game.
The Gameplay:
Well, you build your base and complete the main missions.
If your base is destroyed, you lose.
There are about 15 levels.
To train or construct a unit for your army, move your crosshaire
over the build site on your base and press the a button. Then you move the thumbstick and select it by pressing a again.
You must have the required things to even make or train your unit.
The Graphics:
I'd just like to say that the best graphics are in the movie scenes.
Environments are well detailed which can be very satisfying although some parts can look too fake.
There's also not much colours.
UNSC or S.O.F (Spirit of Fire which is the name of your space ship) troops and units all have olive as there colour.
The Covenant all have purple, especially the vehicles.
This can make the game look boring and too simple.
I just feel like the only thing that Ensemble Studios has worked on is, well the graphics. Graphics play an important role in games but other aspects like gameplay really, really matter.
I hope that when they make the sequel, (maybe) they will focus more on the gameplay.
The Sounds:
Each unit you select says there own phrase, when you either select them to move or attack or make them use their special abillity.
New features:
There are new units, vehicles and aircrafts added to the game.
The controls of the UNSC or S.O.F are slightly different to the controls of the covenant.
I still recommend you buy this game and I give it a 9/10 for graphics.
A 6.5 for gameplay
7/10 for sound.
8/10 for the new features.
7/10 for the controls.(There kind of confusing at first.)
)Overall, I give it a 7.5/10